Hallowell's North Bay Recycling Facility


Monday - Friday    7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday    8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

located on the north side of the Public Works Garage at 286 Water Street.

For a list of materials that can be brought to North Bay see the Sort Sheet below.


The Hallowell Exchange 

          North Bay Recycling Center is offering an opportunity to give unwanted items a second life. There are three categories of reuse:

·    Free

·    Wanted

·    For Sale


·    List item, your email or phone number on paper.

·    Pin your paper under the appropriate category on the Bulletin Board.

·    Remove your paper when the item has been exchanged. 

·    Leave no items in North Bay 

·    Please keep area clean


Questions: Public Works Garage 622-3993

email: pw1@hallowellmaine.org
