Public Meeting - Presentation by MDOT regarding Water Street Reconstruction (AUD)


To discuss Highway Reconstruction in Hallowell, Route 201

Beginning at Maple Street and extending north 1.11 miles. Also: Beginning 0.22 of a mile north of Winthrop Street and extending north 0.50 of a mile.

MaineDOT will have a live presentation for this Formal Public Meeting, this meeting will give information about the proposed project.

MaineDOT invites and encourages you to attend the in-person public meeting during the formal comment period on Monday, September 16, 2024, from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM at the Hallowell City Hall Auditorium, 1 Winthrop Street, Hallowell, Maine 04347.

Questions, comments, or inquiries can be made at the in-person meeting and can also be directed to the Project Manager listed below.


Ernie Martin, Senior Project Manager,
Maine Department of Transportation,
24 Child Street, 16 State House Station,
Augusta, ME 04333-0016
Telephone: (207) 624-3381

The link below accesses an MDOT webpage presenting the information that will be covered at the In-person Meeting.