Code Enforcement Office


Sarah Moore, Code Enforcement Officer, Building Inspector/Local Plumbing Inspector
Phone: (207) 446-0316 (cell) or (207) 430-4405

The Code Enforcement Officer regular office hours are 8:30 to 11:30 Monday and Wednesday and by appointment. Please contact her by cell phone or email to request an appointment.
You may apply for permits using the On-line Application Service or print out paper copies to be completed and filed with the City. See the links to the right.


Please contact the Code Enforcement Officer as you are planning your project to determine what approvals and permits, if any, are required. Any new construction, renovation, addition, demolition, or plumbing work generally requires some form of approval or permit.  The CEO is also available to answer questions about zoning and land use and to hear concerns or complaints about possible violations of City Ordinances.