Hallowell Age-Friendly Committee

The Hallowell Age-Friendly Committee was formed by Mayor Mark Walker in January 2017 with the charge of creating an Age-Friendly Action Plan addressing each of the Eight Domains of Livability. The City joined the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities in 2016. The Network is an is an affiliate of the World Health Organization’s Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Program

Hallowell's All Age Friendly Plan
The Committee submitted its All Age-Friendly Plan to th3 Hallowell City Council during the regular monthly Council meeting on December 7, 2020. The plan was unanimously accepted and forwarded to AARP Maine and the World Health Organization. Download a copy of the plan. Plan Certification.

Resources and Numbers
 A list of Resources and Services is available at City Hall. The magnet on the back  makes it easy to add to the fridge or bulletin board.  Download a listing of Hallowell Resources and Numbers.

Companionship and Transportation
Help with appointments, transportation for errands and grocery shopping, and referrals to other programs and services are available through a partnership with SEARCH- Catholic Charities. Independent Living for Maine Seniors matches trained volunteers with seniors of all faiths. (207) 530-0137. Download SEARCH Brochure.

The Hallowell Champion – The Committee publishes a community newsletter in the spring, summer, and fall that is delivered to all mailing addresses in the city. Electronic copies are available online at www.hallowell.org/champion. Print copies are available at City Hall, other locations around town, by request to The Champion, PO Box 43, Hallowell, ME 04347 or email.

Augusta Age-Friendly Regional Resource Guide (Download PDF)

The Hallowell Age-Friendly Committee usually meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Hallowell Fire Department Community Room at 2 Coos Lane off Winthrop Street. 

If you are interested in volunteering or helping with the committee, please complete a Volunteer Information Form  or contact Maggie Warren by email maggiewarren900@roadrunner.com  or 207-441-8658.


Last updated 1/15/2025